Joni and Friends recently opened its first international wheelchair restoration center, located in El Salvador—the first of multiple centers.

EL SALVADOR — Through its flagship Wheels for the World™ program, Joni and Friends collects and restores used wheelchairs, then delivers the like-new chairs to people around the world in need of mobility equipment.Joni and Friends recently opened its first international wheelchair restoration center, located in El Salvador—the first of multiple centers slated to open…

Violence in Nigeria could spark a humanitarian crisis as Christians may flee in large numbers if the government doesn't intervene.

NIGERIA — As violence escalates in Nigeria, there are warnings of a humanitarian crisis in the making. Partners of UK-based Release International, which serves persecuted Christians worldwide, warn if the new government doesn’t stop the violence, Christians will leave the country in droves. According to reports more Christians are killed for their faith each year…

A committed pastor and his leadership has led to responsibilities on the potable water committee and become involved in environment protection

NICARAGUA — Melquisedec Herrera is an evangelical committed pastor in a community in northern Nicaragua. His faith leadership has led him to assume responsibilities on the potable water committee in his locality and to become involved in environmental protection. He has been trained by World Vision in the FECSA methodology (Healthy Family, School, and Community)….

OneHope, an international Christian ministry, has crossed the threshold of sharing God's Word with two billion children since 1987.

POMPANO BEACH, FL — OneHope, an international Christian ministry, has crossed the threshold of sharing God’s Word with two billion children since 1987. To commemorate this incredible milestone, Bob Hoskins, OneHope’s founder, traveled to El Salvador, where OneHope’s programs launched in 1987. Watch the live recording of this special moment here. The vision of OneHope…

New Feature Film Making Him Famous to Release March 17th

BURLINGTON, NC — “Making Him Famous,” God Had Other Plans For Him, a new feature film by North Carolina-based Cornelius Muller Productions, will release in select theaters in Greensboro/High Point/Winston Salem, Durham and Charlotte DMA March 17th. “Making Him Famous” tells the story of Mario King, a young man who exemplifies his faith as he…

Prestonwood Baptist Church’s “Freedom WKND,” hosted over 1,500 with 46 individuals committing to pursuing full-time ministry.

PLANO, TX — Prestonwood Baptist Church’s “Freedom WKND,” hosted by their student ministry, hosted over 1,500 with 46 individuals committing to pursuing full-time ministry in some capacity. Prestonwood hosts Freedom WKND every year for students to engage in healthy dialogue and hear from experts on issues relevant to their daily lives, make friends and spend…

Heaven's Gate Church

ROMANIA — A less common event for the evangelical community in Timișoara took place a few days ago at the “Heaven’s Gate” Church in the municipality on the Bega (River). It’s about the evangelical culture symposium “Nicolae Moldoveanu.”  A recent report from this event provides more details. In the year in which Timișoara is the…

“Bible in a Year Podcast with Jack Graham” daily series launched in October and reached No. 1 on the Spotify religion list in the first week.

PLANO, TX — “Bible in a Year with Jack Graham” podcastmhas exceeded 10 million downloads. The podcast from, the No. 1 app for prayer and faith-based audio and video streaming content, is done in collaboration with iHeartPodcasts and sponsored by the leading healthcare-sharing community Medishare. The “Bible in a Year Podcast with Jack Graham”…

Celebration for Record Number of Children Reached During Christmas 2022

WARRENTON, MO — The world’s largest mission organization dedicated to children celebrated a record number of children reached in its 2022 world-wide, in-person Christmas Party Clubs. Hundreds of Zoom connections and YouTube attendees facilitated representatives from countries around the world to join the International Headquarters staff of Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) on Friday, February 10th,…

Recently, the European prayer summit took place in Bucharest, which had as its theme "Prayer for the peace of Europe".

BUCUREȘTI, ROMANIA — Recently, the European prayer summit took place in Bucharest, which had as its theme “Prayer for the peace of Europe”. Prayer leaders from European nations, the United States of America, and other areas of the world participated. The occasion showed the need for unity and uninterrupted intercession. Recently, the European prayer summit…


TULSA, OK — Empowered21, a relational leadership network representing the more than 650 million Spirit-empowered Christians, will host Amsterdam2023, a three-day conference and one-day stadium event on June 21-24, 2023 at Amsterdam RAI & Olympic Stadium. The international event will feature influential leaders and powerful speakers gathered to launch a decade of unprecedented evangelism to…

Calvary Church in New Mexico provided gifts to nearly 2,500 children through their Calvary Church Christmas Toy Shop, Monday, Dec. 19.

ALBUQUERQUE — Calvary Church in New Mexico provided gifts to nearly 2,500 children through their Calvary Church Christmas Toy Shop, Monday, Dec. 19. The toy drive at Calvary Church has been an annual Christmas tradition since 2014. Like many Calvary Church community outreach efforts, the toy drive serves children who attend Title 1-funded schools in…

The Light of God in Christmas

EDISON, NJ — Fantastic Faith Comics today announced a new comic strip titled The Light of God in Christmas. The story explains, in an easy to understand “edutainment” comic strip format, what makes Christmas so special, and can be read here for free: I hope this totally free and easily accessible Christmas special will…

Iran Alive Ministries has officially partnered with Channel One CA to viewers in Iran, to obtain a slot for IAM’s Gospel-centric programming.

LOS ANGELES, CA — Iran Alive Ministries (IAM) has officially partnered with Channel One (Kanal Yek TV), a Persian TV channel broadcasting from Los Angeles, CA to viewers in Iran, to obtain a primetime slot for IAM’s Gospel-centric programming. “With this partnership, we will gain many new secular-minded audiences who have already rejected Islam, so…

A new study explores monthly giving to charities among evangelical Protestants, and projects nearly $2.4 billion annually in dependable income

EXPORT, PA — A new study from Grey Matter Research and Infinity Concepts explores monthly partner giving among evangelical Protestants, and projects nearly $2.4 billion annually in dependable income could come from prospective monthly partners. The findings are detailed in The Sustainers: Exploring Monthly Donor Partnerships, a study of over 1000 American evangelical Protestants released…

Dr. David Jeremiah and Turning Point announce their first feature film, ‘Why the Nativity,’ a Christmas special to premier

EL CAJON, CA — Premiering this Christmas as the first docudrama feature film from Turning Point Ministries, Why the Nativity? is a thought-provoking journey surrounding what Dr. Jeremiah calls “the most pivotal moment in human history—the birth of Jesus Christ.” Throughout the docudrama, Dr. Jeremiah draws from both the Old and New Testaments, providing answers…

The most translated film of all time is now available in its 2,000th translation: Zo, a language spoken by approximately 65,000 people.

ORLANDO, FL — The most translated film of all time is now available in its 2,000th translation: Zo, a language spoken by approximately 65,000 people globally, including refugee and immigrant communities in 28 U.S. cities. Myanmar, where Zo is mainly spoken, is a primarily Buddhist country, and people report experiencing discrimination for their religious beliefs….

Born for Rescue

ALPHARETTA, GA — iDisciple Publishing is pleased to announce the release of its latest book, “Born for Rescue,” by President of Crisis Aid International, Pat Bradley. Crisis Aid, an organization that shows up in “no-go zones” where starvation, disease, and danger are a part of everyday life, has provided millions of pounds of food to…

In a remote part of eastern Africa, American missionary doctors and African medical professionals bring compassionate care in Kenya.

KAPSOWAR, KENYA — In a remote part of eastern Africa, American missionary doctors and African medical professionals bring compassionate care to some of the area’s neediest people. It’s led one American family to dedicate the rest of their lives to serving on the continent. George Thomas of CBN News reports from Kenya. George: I traveled…

Wycliffe Associates partners with Ukraine local churches in the advancement of Bible translation, supplying aid to national Bible translators

ORLANDO, FL — Wycliffe Associates, an international organization that empowers mother-tongue Bible translators and partners with Ukraine local churches in the advancement of Bible translation, is supplying essential aid to Ukrainian national Bible translators. Through its Emergency 911 Fund, Wycliffe Associates supplies practical help, including food, clean water, shelter, and even evacuations, to Bible translators…

A national movement to shake up Americans' approach to retirement is taking aim at a most serious problems plaguing many seniors: loneliness.

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO — A national movement to shake up older Americans’ approach to retirement is taking aim at one of the most serious problems plaguing many seniors: loneliness. The faith-based Retirement Reformation, led by 81-year-old speaker and author Bruce Bruinsma, has launched a new podcast series to help seniors recognize the health-ravaging “symptoms” of…

Joni and Friends Wheels for the World outreach in El Salvador, brought Marcela, who received a new wheelchair that will keep her safe.

EL SALVADOR — The World Health Organization estimates that over 75 million people in the world today need a wheelchair, and more than 85% of them can’t access one*. The brunt of these unmet needs hits people in developing nations, like Marcela in El Salvador. Marcela suffered cardio-respiratory arrest at birth, which caused cerebral palsy….