Russia has been targeting and waging a brutal campaign against Christians in Ukraine since the beginning of the invasion

SANTA ANA, CA — Russia has been waging a brutal campaign against Christians in Ukraine since the beginning of the invasion, cautions Global Christian Relief, America’s leading watchdog of Christian persecution. Russian soldiers have destroyed, damaged or looted nearly 500 religious buildings and houses of worship in Ukraine, and killed, imprisoned or tortured at least…

AFGHANISTAN – Christian charity Release International has issued an urgent call to pray for the underground church in Afghanistan as the persecution of Christians in the region is set to rise following the return of the Taliban regime. A Christian contact of one Release International partner describes the situation as ‘dire.’ Says ‘Micah’: ‘Our brothers…

For years, Worke*, a Christian convert in East Africa, outwardly acted like a Muslim while secretly holding onto Jesus in her heart.

EAST AFRICA — For years, Worke*, a Christian convert in East Africa, outwardly acted like a Muslim while secretly holding onto Jesus in her heart. But after her husband died of an illness, she openly embraced her faith in Christ – and his family strongly opposed it. *Name changed for security reasons Worke from East…

For the first time ever, Afghanistan is the most dangerous place to be a Christian, according to Open Doors' 2022 World Watch List.

SANTA ANA, CA — For the first time ever, Afghanistan is the most dangerous place on the planet to be a Christian, according to Open Doors’ 2022 World Watch List, which was released today. The World Watch List is a definitive, comprehensive research-based report that ranks the top 50 countries where it is most dangerous…

In countries where governments already oppress Christians because of their faith, COVID 19 led to more persecution of Christians than ever

ORLANDO, FL — In countries where Christians experience persecution from governments already because of their faith, COVID 19 has led to more surveillance of Christians than ever before, says Wycliffe Associates. The Orlando-based international organization empowers mother-tongue Bible translators and partners with local churches in the advancement of Church Owned Bible Translation. “It was already…

In the end, numbers & statistics will never suffice to capture the magnitude of the global persecution of Christians. “Too many to count, too many unknown,”

Recently we observed one of the International Day[s] of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (known by the acronym IDOP). Initiated over 20 years ago by the World Evangelical Alliance, 100,000 congregations around the world and millions of Christians participate on this day. “Let us unite in prayer for our persecuted brothers and sisters,” IDOP said…

Smith says the Bible translators “will make any sacrifice, take any risk, to make Bibles available to their people in their own heart language.”

ORLANDO, FL — Wycliffe Associates an international organization involving people in the advancement of Bible translation, has received requests from some of the most persecuted places in the world for Christians: Africa, Asia, and Indonesia for 1,525 computer tablets to aid in Bible translation. The tablets play a valuable role in the MAST (Mobilized Assistance…

NEW JERSEY – A U.S. District Judge has issued a temporary restraining order preventing a group of Indonesians currently in the United States and scheduled for deportation time to legally fight their deportation. The ruling was granted following a lawsuit initiated by the ACLU. The Indonesians, who are currently “on release,” have sought relief because…

Wycliffe Associates undergoes efforts to supply printed bibles to persecuted Christians in North Africa and the Middle East

ORLANDO, FL — Wycliffe Associates, an international organization that empowers mother-tongue Bible translators and partners with local churches in the advancement of Bible translation, is working to provide printed Bibles for Christians in 13 language groups across North Africa and the Middle East. While national translators from these language groups have completed Scripture translations in…

Through VOM digital media campaigns, nearly 20,000 people committed to pray, U.S. leaders responded and 13 Christian prisoners were released.

BARTLESVILLE, OK — Over the past year, The Voice of the Martyrs has creatively challenged people to call for the release of falsely imprisoned persecuted Christians in Eritrea. Through VOM digital media campaigns, millions of people have heard about the horrific treatment of persecuted Christians in Eritrea, nearly 20,000 people committed to pray, U.S. leaders…

The VOM encouraged Christians to pray for the release of Haile and Kiflu. Then 13 Eritrean Christians were released from prison.

BARTLESVILLE, OK — Twenty years ago, on May 23, 2004, two men were arrested for the “crime” of being a pastor. Twenty years later, those two men are still in prison. Pastor Haile Nayzgi and Dr. Kiflu Gebremeskel were arrested for their leadership in the Full Gospel Church of Eritrea after the government outlawed Christian…

Global Audience Hears Stirring Stories from Persecuted Christians During The Voice of the Martyrs' I Am N Event

BARTLESVILLE, OK — “Persecution is real, and it is biblical, and Jesus told us we will face persecution in this world,” said Pastor Hassan Abduraheem during The Voice of the Martyrs’ “I Am N” Virtual Event earlier this month. During the online event, Hassan and two other survivors of Muslim extremism shared their inspiring stories…

FRC Releases Report: Intolerance Toward Christians in the West

WASHINGTON — Family Research Council’s Center for Religious Liberty today published an updated edition of its report “Free to Believe? The Intensifying Intolerance Toward Christians in the West,” which seeks to provide a better understanding of religious freedom violations perpetrated by Western governments against Christian individuals, organizations, and churches. Between January 2020 and December 2023,…

Christian charity Help The Persecuted is empowering many of these persecuted believers in Egypt by providing them with opportunities.

EGYPT — Throughout the Middle East and North Africa when Christians come to faith they face extreme persecution including losing their jobs. Christian charity Help The Persecuted is empowering many of these persecuted believers in Egypt by providing them with opportunities to start their own businesses. GNA reporter Peter Wooding got to see the impact…

First-ever religious violence database launches, tracking reports of violent persecution by date, country, religion, and perpetrator.

SANTA ANA, CA — For the first time ever, incidents of violent religious persecution are searchable through a new database that records violent attacks on Christians and people of faith around the world. Unveiled by Global Christian Relief, America’s leading watchdog of Christian persecution, the Global Christian Relief Violent Incidents Database (VID) is the first…

Vietnamese Pastor Zoong Tee Tie — also known as Mrs. Ly — helped start Vietnam’s house church movement at age 95.

VIETNAM — Vietnamese Pastor Zoong Tee Tie — also known as Mrs. Ly — helped start Vietnam’s house church movement. Lucille Talusan of CBN News, brings us the story from Hanoi. Although Christians still face persecution in communist Vietnam, churches thrive because leaders endured suffering to spread the gospel. That includes 95-yr-old, pastor Zoong Tee…

New reports highlight the growing kidnapping crisis in Nigeria, where Christians are regarded as soft targets for abduction.

NIGERIA — New reports highlight the growing kidnapping crisis in Nigeria, where Christians are regarded as soft targets for abduction. Release International is calling on Nigeria to protect vulnerable Christian communities. Andrew Boyd has the details. New reports confirm that Christians are being targeted for kidnap and ransom in Nigeria, sometimes by bandits hungry for…

A journey along the ancient Silk Road. Moving stories of individuals who faces challenges, as they choose to convert to Christianity.

CENTRAL ASIA — A journey along the ancient Silk Road in Central Asia. Experience the rich culture and traditions that define Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkmenistan, while maintaining a balance between ethnic diversity and the unity fostered by their authoritarian regimes, Muslim traditions, and strong family bonds. Immerse yourself in the moving stories of…

The Voice of the Martyrs Releases Sejun: Nepal Short Feature for 2023 International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christians.

BARTLESVILLE, OK — The Voice of the Martyrs has released a new short feature film about a Nepali boy’s journey from life in a Buddhist monastery to finding new hope in Christ. Sejun: Nepal will inspire viewers to join in the International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christians (IDOP)—a global prayer movement on Sunday, Nov….

Christians in Pakistan are considering how to rebuild their homes and churches in the aftermath of mob violence attacks.

JARANWALA, PUNJAB — Christians in Pakistan are considering how to rebuild their homes and churches in the aftermath of mob violence attacks on townships in Jaranwala, Punjab, following unsubstantiated allegations of blasphemy. Christians were forced to meet in the open air on Sunday (August 20), after rioters burnt churches and destroyed their homes. Partners of…

Christians in Pakistan have come under attack from angry mobs this week after two teenagers were accused of allegedly desecrating a Quran.

PAKISTAN — Christians in several communities in Pakistan have come under attack from angry mobs this week after two teenagers were accused of allegedly desecrating a Quran. Christian leaders and others said it was a false accusation. Nearly 30 churches were attacked, some being completely destroyed as hundreds of Bibles and Christian literature was burned….