One by One opened King's Children's Home to rehouse and give hope to children rescued from brick factory bonded labor in Pakistan

NASHVILLE – In May 2019, One by One – a UK-based global missions organization with a heart for the poor and broken across the Third World – opened King’s Children’s Home, near Lahore in Pakistan, to rehouse and give hope to children rescued from brick factory bonded labor in that country. The home opened with…

Organizations are more than ever realizing the importance of building a post-COVID team culture that will engage and retain top talent.

HOUSTON – As the nation is crawling back to work, organizations are more than ever realizing the importance of building a post COVID team culture that will engage and retain top talent. Culture Conference, a free digital conference that provides practical talks from today’s top leaders, will help ministry leaders build thriving teams, cultivate inspiring…

Back-to-School Bash

LOS ANGELES — The Los Angeles Dream Center is pleased to announce their annual Back-to-School Bash is happening in-person on Saturday, August 7 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m PST. After over a year of challenges and restrictions due to the pandemic, the team at the Dream Center is excited to physically reunite with families…

Outside the Bowl

PAARL, SOUTH AFRICA – There are essentially two major problems when it comes to hunger among impoverished families. First, there is food scarcity. That doesn’t mean that there is not an adequate global supply of food to feed everyone. There is. The problem is that the food is not readily available to the hungry people…

Nick Hall

MINNEAPOLIS — Evangelist Nick Hall, founder and president of Pulse, a Minneapolis-based, millennial-led evangelistic organization, recently spent three days at the U.S.-Mexico border as part of Pulse’s 2021 “God Lives Here” outreach campaign. “God Lives Here” events, hosted in Houston, Laredo and Hidalgo, Texas, and in Oakland, Calif., were nights of worship, prayer and biblical…

Christ for All Nations (CfaN) wrapped up its 2nd "Operation Decapolis" campaign in Africa, where they documented 519,498 decisions for Christ

TANZANIA, EAST AFRICA – Christ for All Nations (CfaN) just wrapped up its second “Operation Decapolis” campaign in Africa, where they documented 519,498 decisions for Christ. The six-week outreach culminated in 5 mass Gospel campaigns held simultaneously in the cities of Dodoma, Iringa, Mbeya, Morogoro, and Tunduma across the East African nation of Tanzania. The…

July 16 and 17 saw the dawn of a new era as Promise Keepers (PK) held its 2021 Conference at AT&T Stadium, home of the Dallas Cowboys.

DALLAS — July 16 and 17 saw the dawn of a new era as Promise Keepers (PK), the men’s ministry founded in 1990 by Coach Bill McCartney and known for its massive stadium events, held its 2021 Conference for Men at AT&T Stadium, home of the Dallas Cowboys. The two-day event featured everything that men…

TEL International

CEDAR HILL, TX – Elgin and Dorothy Taylor became the first African-American missionaries to Japan in 1959. Their 23 years on the island of Okinawa were merely the beginning of their 55 years of service in foreign missions. Following a brief retirement due to health reasons, the couple returned to missionary work, founding TEL International…

Christ for All Nations (CfaN) 2nd "Operation Decapolis" harvest in Tanzania, Africa, where they documented 519,498 decisions for Christ!

ORLANDO, FL — Christ for All Nations (CfaN) just wrapped up its second “Operation Decapolis” campaign in Africa, where they documented 519,498 decisions for Christ! The staggering numbers are the result of six weeks of evangelism throughout East Africa, culminating in 5 Mass Gospel Campaigns held simultaneously in the cities of Dodoma, Iringa, Mbeya, Morogoro,…

On the night of July 8, a pro-abortion group suspended a 45-foot banner containing a repulsive message across the Christ of the Ozarks statue

EUREKA SPRINGS, AR – Nestled in the Ozark Mountains, Eureka Springs’ streets are lined with Victorian homes and buildings hugging cliff sides, one-of-a-kind shops, fine dining, art galleries, bed & breakfasts, cabins, and much more. Eureka Springs is a National Historic Site that has been called the ‘Stairstep Town’ because of its steep terrain and…

The Coalition for Christian Outreach (CCO) celebrates its 50th anniversary of Christian outreach to college students this year

PITTSBURGH — The Coalition for Christian Outreach (CCO, celebrates its 50th anniversary of Christian outreach to college students this year by reflecting on the foundational elements that have made it a success throughout the years, giving all glory to God. “By focusing on transforming college students to transform the world—our vision is to see…

On July 16 and July 17, Promise Keepers (PK), will hold its 2021 national men's conference at AT&T Stadium, home of the Dallas Cowboys.

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO — On July 16 and July 17, Promise Keepers (PK), the men’s ministry founded in 1990 by Coach Bill McCartney and known for their massive stadium events, will hold its 2021 national conference at AT&T Stadium, home of the Dallas Cowboys. The event, believed to be the nation’s first mass Christian gathering…

The water tank project is creating consistent access to water—something most families in the area have never experienced—and changing lives.

VIETNAM — Drought season in southern Vietnam continues to bring increased challenges to already vulnerable households. Impoverished families struggle to not only secure drinking water, but water that is needed for cooking, bathing, and washing clothes. Samaritan’s Purse recently provided large capacity water tanks to support about 160 households during the months of drought. A…

Gospel to Haiti

HAITI – The Bible teaches us to rejoice with those who rejoice and to mourn with those who mourn. Today is a day to mourn with Christian friends at Gospel to Haiti, where their mission is “Reaching the lost in the mountains of Haiti through medicine and building relationships.” Mourning Together Just a few days…

Samaritan's purse volunteers are working hard in the Mississippi delta--cleaning up homes, deliver God's hope & encouragement in Jesus' name.

ARKANSAS — Samaritan’s purse volunteers are working hard in the Mississippi delta–cleaning up homes, deliver God’s hope & encouragement in Jesus’ name. Keeth Willingham, Samaritan’s Purse: Samaritan’s Purse is responding to some massive flooding here in Desha County, Arkansas. Roy Williams, Homeowner: Without Samaritan’s Purse, would’ve took a good minute to do all what is…

The Houston Women's Rehab Center serves women suffering from drug and alcohol addiction with residential discipleship & vocational training

ALVIN, TX — Adult and Teen Challenge of Texas, Houston Women’s Rehab Center in Alvin, Texas announces their planned expansion to include a newly built 40-bed dorm. The Houston Women’s Rehab Center serves women suffering from drug and alcohol addiction with a 12-month residential discipleship and vocational training program. On-campus, women receive room and board,…

"Summer Fest" at 7 Hills Church celebrated a significant milestone over the weekend with 216 children making the decision for Jesus

CINCINNATI — “Summer Fest” at 7 Hills Church celebrated a significant milestone over the weekend with 216 children making the decision to invite Jesus into their lives throughout the course of the vacation Bible school, running June 8-10. Campuses in Florence, KY, and Cincinatti, OH saw hundreds of children attend “Summer Fest,” an annual day-camp…

Ahead of International Religious Freedom Summit 2021, coalition of 70+ religious, civil-society groups issue ‘A Charter of Religious Freedom’

WASHINGTON — Ahead of the International Religious Freedom Summit 2021 (IRF Summit), co-chairs Samuel Brownback and Katrina Lantos Swett, along with the Summit’s over 70 partner organizations around the world, have issued A Charter of Religious Freedom, calling for the protection of the universal human rights of religion, thought and conscience: A CHARTER OF RELIGIOUS…