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‘Sing! An Irish Christmas’ concert series sponsorship launches drive to bring God’s Word to children at ‘crucial time’ in their lives Date: October 24, 2017 COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – Biblica (, the International Bible Society, is partnering with acclaimed modern hymn writers Keith and Kristyn Getty ( in a campaign to share the Bible with more children. The organization…


Photo by aflaanta std In March, there was an attack on a boat holding Somali refugees. At least 46 people were killed and 39 were injured. CNN reported, “At least 42 people died and 39 were injured in the Friday incident, the United Nations’ refugee agency said. Some 160 people reportedly were on board, according…


Photo by someone10x On Palm Sunday, Islamic Extremists attacked to churches in two separate cities during services. At least 45 were found dead. Per CNN, “The Sunday strikes, which targeted Egypt’s persecuted and vulnerable Christian minority on the first day of the faith’s Holy Week leading up to Easter, left at least 45 dead, Egypt’s…


Photo by currybet Recently, it was uncovered that Qatar, a Middle Eastern country, has ties to Hamas. Hamas is a Palestinian terrorist group, which seeks to eradicate the Israeli state. Qatar provides funding for Hamas. Per CNN, “‘Qatar is quite important for Hamas,’ said H.A. Hellyer, a senior non-resident fellow at the Atlantic Council. ‘Qatar…


Turkey agreed with the European Union (EU) to provide an education for refugees entering their country. Per Daily Sabah, “Turkey, the European Union and UNICEF have formally launched an EU-funded project aiming to encourage Syrians and other refugees in Turkey to enroll their children in schools and prevent them from dropping out.” Parents are promised…


Photo by PH1 R. ORIEZ There has been a Civil War raging in Somalia between the Somali military and a terrorist group, known as Al-Shabaab. In June, Al-Shabaab attacked two restaurants in a car bombing and sniper attack. Per Fox News, “Al-Shabab, a Somalia-based extremist group that often targets popular areas in the country’s capital,…


  By Rjcastillo The newest from Venezuela, is that there is a lack of medicines in the country. The medicines that are being shipped over to Venezuela haven’t made it to their intended contact, because the government is stealing them. Fox News reports about a lawyer named Reno, who would ship medicines to people in…


    Photo by Diliff Former-Prime Minister Theresa May called for the Parliament to vote on Brexit in January and whether the UK should go ahead. CNN explains, “British Prime Minister Theresa May committed to placing a final Brexit deal to a vote in both houses of the UK parliament, as she outlined for the first time…


  By Kok Leng Yeo from Singapore Last August, North Korea was flooded. This was due to Typhoon Lionrock hitting the country. Fox News reports, “Typhoon Lionrock, amplified by a low-pressure system in the region, created floods that submerged, severely damaged or destroyed 30,000 homes and displaced 70,000 people.” North Korea tried to get aid, only…


Photo by Gengiskanhg In the month of September, three Catholic Priests were slain in two different states. According to Fox News, “The Archdiocese of Morelia in western Mexico says a priest kidnapped a week ago has been found slain.” That same night, authorities in another part of Mexico, found two other priests killed. Daily News…


A muslim lawyer for Aung San Suu Kyi was assassinated on January 29, 2017 while in an international airport. Time Magazine reports, “Many in Myanmar are in mourning this week after the assassination of a prominent Muslim lawyer and peerless symbol of the country’s democracy movement, Ko Ni, who was shot in the head at point-blank range…


  Mätes II In February, Romania was planning on passing a corruption bill, which would make it legal for government officials to do corrupt things if it did not go over a certain amount. Per CNN, “The original decree, which would have taken effect in about a week, decriminalized corruption that causes damage worth less…


Foudeelau China used to be on a one-child policy until 2016, when they realized the population was decreasing, due to the fact most of the population was elderly. Per CNN, “But the low birth rate created a number of serious demographic challenges. Today, China faces a rapidly aging population and a shortage of working-age residents,…


Henry Martyn was a missionary to both India and Arabia between 1806-1812. Through his sharing of the Good News, many people were challenged in their thinking of Jesus. Early Life Henry Martyn was born on February 18, 1781 in Cornwell England. Henry was picked on at school and the teachers had to assign another student…

GOSPEL FOR ASIA-SUPPORTED WORKERS OFFER HELP AND HOPE TO NEEDY COMMUNITIES TO MARK REPUBLIC DAY As India celebrated its national heritage recently, some of the country’s neediest people were given help and hope by teams supported by Gospel for Asia (GFA). Hundreds of Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported workers in different locations went out into their…

John Wesley was the co-founder of Methodism along with his brother, Charles. John rode thousands and thousands of miles around England on horseback in order to spread the Good News to the common people. John Wesley and the rest of the English crew were afraid of the storm on the open seas. John Wesley was…


KAMPALA, Uganda – Uganda’s ministry of education is looking toward low-cost private schools to counter the failure of the public school system caused by teacher absenteeism, poor facilities and high dropout rates. According to the BBC, 68 percent of Ugandan students do not complete elementary school. Teachers are ill-prepared for their careers, with 78 percent…


Introduction Gladys Alyward, standing at 4’10” was a small woman who did extraordinary things with God’s strength. Aylward was a determined woman. The China Inland Missions thought she was too old and would be unable to learn Chinese, but, Alyward would be a missionary to China no matter what anyone else said. No one would…

WILLS POINT, Texas – Gospel for Asia (GFA) joins with the international humanitarian community in commemorating today’s International Women’s Day. Gospel for Asia (GFA) partners will be offering special assistance to women in the areas where it serves in South Asia, celebrating the success of women and underscoring the wide gaps in gender equality that…

WILLS POINT, Texas – Responding to requests for help, Compassion Services Teams supported by Gospel for Asia (GFA) recently visited poor areas in Sri Lanka to supply school children with book bags filled with school supplies and other items needed to continue their education. They also helped equip a particular school with much-needed musical instruments…

WILLS POINT, Texas. – Workers supported by Gospel for Asia (GFA) recently distributed some 33,000 mosquito nets to guard against insect-borne diseases, including yellow fever, malaria, dengue and Zika, to commemorate World Mosquito Day. Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported workers held a variety of events to distribute the nets, including distributing 9,000 nets to students living…


  CC BY 2.5, Scores of Cubans recently fled the island nation on chartered flights to Central and South America, then trekked across Mexico to reach El Paso, Texas. The refugees were fleeing the repressive Cuban government en route to the U.S. where federal law treats them as legal immigrants. The Texas Tribune reports…


Colombian government officials are holding the Colombian Marxist rebel group (guerillas), the National Liberation Army, responsible for the kidnapping of three journalists near the border with Venezuela. Salud Hernandez, a Spanish journalist, disappeared first while working on a story in the northern Colombian region of Catatumbo, a cocaine-producing region that is known for guerilla and…


With the backing of a U.S.-led coalition, Iraq’s military has battled back the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in Mosul, that nation’s second largest city, in an initiative called “Operation Conquest.” Mosul had been a major victory for ISIS in June 2014 as they captured the city of more than 2 million people…

A “stove pipe” pipe tornado ripped through Dolores, a city of 20,000, in southwest Uruguay on April 15, leaving four people dead and hundreds injured. Flying cars struck two of the deceased victims. Witnesses report more than 400 buildings were destroyed amid the disruption of normal services, contributing to the state of chaos. “There are…

“Most Christians would like to send their recruits to Bible college for five years. I would like to send them to hell for five minutes. That would do more than anything else to prepare them for a lifetime of compassionate ministry.” ~ William Booth ~ william booth was the founder of salvation army.