
Photo by Ben Bowes   In March, there was flooding in Colombia which devastated Mocoa, a capital city of one of the states in Colombia. Per ABC News, “Colombian authorities scrambled to deliver aid and return basic services like electricity and water to the wreckage of Mocoa, a city of 40,000 people devastated by floodwaters…


  Image by Kareem mamduh Ismail The Coptic Church in Egypt is in trouble. ISIS has vowed to eradicate the Church in Egypt. Per Fox News, “ISIS recently released a video in which they call for ‘fellow jihadists’ to murder the Coptic Christians of Al Arish which they refer to as their ‘favorite prey.’” ISIS…


Photo by Dr. Lyle Conrad In Nigeria, an outbreak of Meningitis has killed dozens of people. CNN reports, “A meningitis outbreak has killed 489 people in Nigeria this year, the World Health Organization said Thursday. The country’s Center for Disease Control reported 4,637 suspected cases.” The problem is that there is a shortage of vaccines…

Wed April 19, 2017 – Gospel for Asia Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported workers provide disease-prevention systems and lessons to improve health, offer hope in World Water Day effort WILLS POINT, Texas—Fresh water sources are freeing impoverished families in Asia from sickness and disease. GFA (Gospel for Asia)-supported workers dedicated new Jesus Wells in series of…


Photo by Sardaka When former-President Obama was in the White House, he promised the Australian Prime Minister that America would take in 1,250 refugees every year. The Federalist explains, “We entered the picture, nonetheless, in 2016. The Obama administration struck a deal with Turnbull’s government to take the refugees into our country.” Prime Minister Turnbull…


  Mätes II In February, Romania was planning on passing a corruption bill, which would make it legal for government officials to do corrupt things if it did not go over a certain amount. Per CNN, “The original decree, which would have taken effect in about a week, decriminalized corruption that causes damage worth less…


Photo by הסוכנות היהודית Pikiwiki Israel In January, right before President Trump was sworn into office, a group of international leaders met to discuss the Two-State Solution, or the giving the West Bank in Israel to the Palestinians. Per Al Jazeera, “The [UN] resolution condemns all Israeli settlement activity as illegal and calls upon member…


Al Jazeera English Unity State, in South Sudan, which has a population of 100,000, has been declared by the United Nations to be famine proportions. There has not been a famine in South Sudan for six years. Per the Guardian, “A further 1 million people were classified as being on the brink of famine, according…


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Orders to evacuate the San Francisco area came on February 20 due to rising water and floods. According to Fox News, “Evacuations were ordered in Central California on Monday and flash-flood warnings were issued elsewhere as downpours swelled creeks and rivers to troubling levels in the already soggy region.” It…


Foudeelau China used to be on a one-child policy until 2016, when they realized the population was decreasing, due to the fact most of the population was elderly. Per CNN, “But the low birth rate created a number of serious demographic challenges. Today, China faces a rapidly aging population and a shortage of working-age residents,…


  By Gilbert Bochenek   On January 30, a man walked into a mosque in Quebec, Canada and started shooting. Three people were killed in the attack. There were also 19 others who were injured. According to CBC, “Alexandre Bissonnette, 27, has been charged with six counts of first-degree murder and five counts of attempted…


In December of 2016 and January 2017, southern Thailand was hit by heavy flooding. According to Fox News, “Flooding in southern Thailand has killed at least five people, disrupted transportation and spoiled tourists’ holidays at one of the country’s most popular resort islands.” The rain was due to a low pressure system circulating over southern…

The Myanmar military is cracking down on Myanmar’s minorities, particularly the Rohingya. Many of them flee into Bangladesh. CNN reports, “Authorities in neighboring Bangladesh said dozens of people have attempted to flee across the border in recent days.” Those in Myanmar think that the Rohingya are Bangladesh citizens and as such are there illegally, even…


By Agência Brasil Fotografias The Rio refugee team was the first of its kind in the Olympics. Never before had there been a team of refugees in Olympic history. UNCHR reports, “Hailing the first-ever refugee team as “true Olympians”, UNHCR Deputy High Commissioner Kelly T. Clements has praised its 10 members of for helping to…


By English: Foreign and Commonwealth Office The Rohingya are treated badly by the government of Myanmar, mainly the military. Many Rohingya have escaped into Muslim countries. According to CNN, “The Myanmar government has forcibly segregated Rohingya from the rest of the population in Rakhine state since 1982 when the government stripped them of their citizenship.”…


  By Athanasius 77 In December, just a few weeks before Christmas, a Coptic Church in Cairo was bombed. At first, the authorities had no idea who was responsible for the attacks. According to Fox News, “The Islamic State [ISIS] claimed responsibility for the suicide bombing that killed 25 people. They also alleged that the…


Henry Martyn was a missionary to both India and Arabia between 1806-1812. Through his sharing of the Good News, many people were challenged in their thinking of Jesus. Early Life Henry Martyn was born on February 18, 1781 in Cornwell England. Henry was picked on at school and the teachers had to assign another student…


By Kotoviski – Own work, CC BY 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1620427 In November, Fidel Castro, the leader and dictator of Cuba died of an ailment. According to The Slatest, “One of the world’s most divisive and authoritarian leaders who allegedly survived more than 600 assassination attempts and played a key role in the history of the 20th…

Gospel for Asia World Leprosy Day

GOSPEL FOR ASIA-SUPPORTED WORKERS GIVE HELP AND HOPE TO THOSE LIVING IN ISOLATION. WILLS POINT, Texas – People affected with leprosy throughout South Asia received food, shoes, blankets and household supplies as workers supported through Gospel for Asia (GFA) commemorated World Leprosy Day, held each year to promote awareness and prevention. Gospel for Asia (GFA)…


By terremocentroitalia terremocentroitalia from Italia In late October of 2016, an earthquake hit Norcia, Italy (a town in the central part of Italy). A 6.6 earthquake was recorded. CNN reports, “A powerful 6.6-magnitude earthquake rocked central Italy on Sunday morning, injuring at least 20 people, in the strongest tremor to hit the country in more…


Opponents of President Nicola Maduro’s United Socialist Party of Venezuela held mass demonstrations recently, demanding a recall election of the beleaguered president as the nation wallows in an economic crisis. Widespread shortages of common goods and medicines has led to increased crime, rolling blackouts and massive inflation. Economists predict 700 percent inflation this year and…

In a national vote, Colombians rejected a peace deal with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia—People’s Army, also known as FARC, which was intended to end 52 years of guerrilla warfare. The referendum’s failure to pass follows four years of negotiations between President Juan Manuel Santos and FARC, which Cuba hosted and facilitated. Colombians rejected…